Dear Nosa,
When last did you go for Spiritual cleansing?
It is one thing to be attractive (or rich, or both) and thus attract the ladies, but it is an entirely different thing for girls to refuse to leave you alone even after you have put in considerable effort to stay away from them and even told them you are taken.
It is one of two things: Either someone has done attraction charm for you without your knowledge or it is a setup.
Let me start with the setup angle. You see, a girlfriend once asked me to chase her boyfriend to see whether he would agree for me. The girl and I are no longer friends.
You need to make sure your girlfriend is not the one sending several girls to test your faithfulness.
Now, if this explains the inexplicable interest ladies have in you, you need not worry; simply tell your girlfriend how one of them even cornered you in a room and took of her dress. She will call off the agents after that.
If on the other hand your matter is spiritual, good luck to you. There is nothing I can do to help you with that one.
By the way, I notice you called me madam. I’m not that old, you know. Anyways, would you happen to be in London? Care for a drink later tonight? You didn’t remember to send your phone number in your mail. Kindly send it.
Ngozi xxx