Nigeria to have more pastors than congregation in 20 years, CAN warns
15 Jun 2011

By the grace of God, me too I will have my own private jet, amen.
Photo schuey
Lagos - Leadership of CAN have today warned that at the current rate of intake into schools of missionary studies, there will soon be more pastors in Nigeria than church members for them to pastor over.
“We estimate twenty years or less,” said one of the leaders.
It is not yet clear why many young men and women are choosing to become pastors, but there is growing concern amongst Church elders who fear that if everyone becomes a pastor, there will be no need for churches anymore.
This hypothetical situation, should it ever occur, will present a truly worrisome dilemma because the Bible offers no instructions on what to do when everyone has become a pastor.
“To deprive oneself of worldly pleasures and do Gods’ work is really rather commendable,” said a Church elder. “Why so many young people are choosing this life of humble existence is beyond us but we give all praise to God.”
A young convert to Christianity - who is also studying to become a pastor - said that his ambition to one day pastor over his own church has nothing to do with reports in the news of Nigerian Billionaire pastors.
“I have no desire for material things,” he said. “My calling is simply to spread the word to all the corners of the world, visiting the people and ministering to them. If a private jet makes the job easier to do, then so be it.”
- Jowo Mabinu