Nigeria to import snow from England this Christmas

24 Dec 2010

Nigeria to import snow from England this Christmas
Nigerian kids should also get to play with snow


Abuja - The people of Nigeria look set to enjoy their very first white Christmas ever - if plans to import snow from England go ahead.

Ostensibly in an effort to alleviate the discomfort caused by the incessant heat, the Federal government has decided to import to Nigeria, some of the excessive snow that has fallen on the United Kingdom in the last few weeks.

The new minister for information, back from a one week suspension for being uncool by erroneously claiming GEJ brought Facebook to Nigeria, revealed the plan to snow importation plan while meeting with journalists last night.

The minister affirmed the determination of the GEJ administration to do everything in its capacity to make life better for the common Nigerian who may never get see real snow in his lifetime.

He also said that the plan would greatly benefit the Nation's bilateral relations with the UK who are currently struggling with what to do with all the snow.

According to him, "While they (UK) are complaining about the cold, we are here complaining about the heat. Why should they have to suffer all that snow when we, we don't even have any?"

Rumours are rife that this latest awoof from the Federal government is merely an attempt to endear the hearts of the voting public to the incumbent president who is running for a a second term.

Other unofficial sources have hinted that the minister for information is responsible for the project as he would like to be able to say, "We thank President Goodluck for bringing snow to Nigeria."

- Joe Aibozaw

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Robert Westford On 9/5/2013 7:22:31 PM
The snow would probably melt by midday in Nigeria, because even though Nigeria is located in the "Northern Hemisphere", on the winter solstice (December 21st), the sun rises to about 62 degrees high in the sky at noon in the south of the country - which is about the same angle above the horizon as the sun rises in London England on the summer solstice!! Hence the temperature will be about the same as it gets on a hot day in London.
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