SEX SCANDAL: Spirits slept with girl says Pastor
28 Aug 2013

Picture: Wikipedia
Abuja – The Pastor in the middle of a sex scandal has finally spoken out.
The man of God accused of seducing and having carnal knowledge of one of his flock over a seven day period in a hotel in London has explained that an Incubus spirit slept with the girl.
According to him, the girl in question came to see him in his hotel to seek help over an invisible sprit that was molesting her on a daily basis.
On the first day, he prayed with her and Incubs, a male demon that sleeps with women, was revealed as the culprit.
During that first day of prayers, he said, he witnessed the demon gently removing the girl’s underwear before getting between her legs and having intercourse with her.
He subsequently expelled the demon and the girl left, demoneless.
The next day however, the lady returned claiming that the spirit had molested her again.
The Pastor realised that the infestation was probably due to the places the girl visited, thus he followed her to a club she had gone to the previous night. This, he said, explains the girl’s accusation that he took her clubbing whilst in London.
He continued to pray with her while the Incubus demon continued to sleep with her, and for seven days this continued until his VISA expired and he had to return to Nigeria.
On why he initially told his congregation that God had told him not to talk about the incidence, he explained that there is Biblical precedence for this. According to him, when Jesus, as recorded in the Gospel, healed the sick, he often told the healed to go and tell no one what he had done for them.
He concluded by expressing his regret that he did not overstay his VISA and wait until the Incubus spirit sleeping with the girl had been permanently cast out and deported to hell.
He however said he bore no grudge against his accuser. “She probably genuinely believes I was the one who slept with her,” he said, “but this is to be expected as she was in a trance like stage while the demon mounted her, kissing her and fondling her breasts.”
- Jowo Mabinu